Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Deep Water"

Everyone has a fear of something, whether it’s a fear of things big such as the world ending or something small as fear of ducks. A phobia is what it’s called a fear of something, almost anything. It never goes away easily; you have to work hard at it to make your fear go, but it is never easy. Some people decide to live with their fear and avoid it, people think it’ll go away sometime, but it doesn’t, it stays and eats them up inside then haunts them the rest of their lives, I should know I have a phobia. “Deep Water,” a short story by William O Douglas, is a story that will teach you to take hold of your fears and not let it rule your life.
Out of all the fears in the world, phobia of water is the number fifteen out of all of them. Number fifteen out of the thousands there are, that’s a very common fear. According to, around the world about one hundred forty thousand people drown every year. Even when my Nana was a little girl she almost drowned three times. Whether if it’s from a stupid stunt, a shark attack, a killing, or even by a bully drowning is bound.
Not everyone who meets the water drowns, though sometimes people have a near death experience or when they “see the light.” From what I’ve seen on shows from history channels, whenever someone has a near death experience they feel calm. and at peace, but sometimes not everyone has that luxury. Some people know that even the slightest thing could condemn them to death. It could terrify them so much that it could cause them to never come back to whatever caused the experience ever, and thus a fear is born then continue to haunt them the rest of their lives.
Living in fear doesn’t always have to be the case though; you can take hold of your fear and put yourself in charge. Then conquer your fear so that it never bothers you again. With fear there are two paths you can take, you can take the path that stays a coward and tries to run from it, or you can be strong and conquer your fear. Which path will you take?