Tuesday, May 3, 2011

a Famous Quote

A Famous Quote

“Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity: A famous quote from the bold and courageous man, Martin Luther King Jr; A phrase that will make you think twice about hate.
When a person gets on your nerves you can get mad at people and think nasty thoughts about them, but if they push you to your limits it can turn ugly very quickly. To hate someone is very bad because you could let your hate out at them and do something you never thought you would ever do: Something that would change your reputation forever, not only would it affect you but it would affect the other person even more. When you take out all your rage on someone you lose control and you could yell at them, injure them, or even worse, kill them. Before you know it no one knows who you are anymore.
While letting out all your anger is bad bottling up inside is even worse. In the same scenario but you don’t decide to let all your anger out you could keep it inside you and let it fester and fester. Unfortunately, if you do that the hate eats away at your insides changing you, making you angrier. Before you know it your personality has transformed into a stingy, dark, grey, angry version of yourself. To make things worse your friends stop hanging out with you because they don’t like what you’ve become.
Likewise, there is something just as bad as bottling your anger but not only do you keep it inside but also let it out at the person you’re mad at little by little yet the hate never leaves. It’s called holding a grudge. Holding a grudge is terrible because the hate that you feel for someone is what you hold on to forever. It is bad because people spend their entire live planning revenge and never letting themselves do anything else because you’re blinded by the nasty rage.
If you ever get angry at someone don’t hate them, try to channel your rage to something peaceful like hitting a pillow. The quote by Martin Luther King Jr. tells you to never give in to hatred because it can turn your personality around.