Friday, January 27, 2012

What will become of “Traitor”?

Author’s Note: This piece is meant to predict the future events of the novel Traitor by Any Mcnab and Robert Rigby.

In the book Traitor, a soldier in the British military named Danny Watts is a hard worker and trains until his arms give out. But when Danny has a dream of being an officer in the military he is quickly turned down because of one flaw his grandfather Fergus Watts, Fergus Watts was found as a traitor for selling information to enemies of England for wealth. Danny hunts his granddad or so called “traitor of their country” down for giving his family a bad name. He does Fergus explains that he was never a traitor and is sorry for never seeing him before. I predict that Fergus will tell him he loves Danny and he is sorry for being away.
In the novel, Danny and Fergus are escaping a man who is trying to kill Fergus. The whole time this is happening Fergus is worried about Danny. I predict he will say he loves Danny because they are spending so much time together it is only a matter of time. If they keep spending this much time together then they will warm up to each other and start to feel. Sometimes Fergus has to go for a short amount of time to get supplies and yells at Danny remember what I taught you and to stay where he is, obviously sooner or later he will tell him.

In addition, Fergus won’t stop thinking of Danny, he’s always thinking of how he can help Danny through the struggle and show him what he learned in the S.A.S. field. He is also thinking of where is a safe spot for them to spend the night. He always wants Danny to keep a low profile so he won’t be seen and won’t be hurt to me that is a picture of a carrying grandfather.

Likewise in my last opinion, Fergus is always taking precautions with Danny. When Fergus is going to meet with someone he tells Danny if he isn’t back in a certain amount of time he should go to a certain spot. Or when the person that’s after them comes they should have an escape route. All these precautions are things that Fergus is taking to keep Danny safe from harm which proves even more that he loves him.

Fergus watts loves his grandson Danny very much I know he is sorry about not seeing each other for a very long time. I know my prediction is right and my three reasons cannot deny.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thank you mam

Author’s Note: This is a writing piece meant to predict what will happen next in the short story Thank you Mam.
I predict that the boy will turn over a new leaf and stop his evil ways. The boy was clearly frightened when he tried to snatch the woman's purse because I bet he didn't expect to get a beating. I also know that he will be good is because he thanked the woman.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Retelling: Traitor

Traitor By Andy Mcnab and Robert Rigby,17 year old Danny Watts attempts to capture his grandfather who betrayed his country, but is he really a traitor? An action adventure novel that will surprise you at every turn..