Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Life of a Can of Coke

We’re made in a manufacturing company in the States then we’re packed up and shipped off to stores across the globe. My rough and rickety trip in a truck was all but pleasant, these people are never quick to be gentle when they toss our shipping containers into the store’s storage like yesterday’s garbage. After out battered and bruised journey we finally end up on the luxurious….shelf. The only place I would rather be than on a metal shelf in a grocery store would be…let me think…anywhere! Sitting there, unable to move, with no elbow room next to seven other aluminum cans, as every minute feels as though it were an hour. This is my life I guess, just another can of soda, day after day many walk by but no one even glimpses at the poor aluminum can.
Then hope happens, as the eight of us are lifted up by an enormous pale, non metallic being stares with great big eyes. He takes us to the machines and runs us through a red light; we’re then thrown into a car and put in a seat right next to him. Perhaps there could be something more for a small can, the man takes me out of the plastic holder and squeezes me all over. My tab is pulled off and like a zombie he’s starts slurping my brains (or the soda inside me). After that he crushes me as though I were in the pressure of space, it still feels like this could be my home. But just when I think things could be changing for me, just when I think I could be happy, do you want to know what he does? He tosses me out the window so I land in a puddle of mud and sludge…just like yesterday’s garbage.