Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Bullet to the Knee

    Author’s note: This is a cause and effect essay describing a turn for the worst in the exiting novel Payback this book is also the sequel to Traitor.
    Desperately attempting to find any evidence of Fergus Watt’s innocence, Danny and his grandfather traveled to a golf course in London to the only living witness to the Columbian drug bust injustice. The witness happens to be an old army buddy and best friend of Fergus, Kev Newman. Unfortunately, as soon as they can talk to Kev, the three are ambushed by men working for George Fincham and the unthinkable happens. Kev Newman is gunned down that afternoon as well as old Fergus Watts is shot through the thigh, permanently immobilizing the old man.
    Likewise this bloodshed is by far the climax of the tale, the last person who witnessed and was still a friend had been killed. Who are they to trust now? Who can help them now? It has been one step forward and two steps back. Even worse was now that Fergus was shot, moving from place to place quickly was not an option anymore. Fergus Watts had been injured in the same leg before and has walked with a limp since, but now there will be no way for him to walk, they are running out of options, out of time, and almost no escape.
    In conclusion the ambush that caused the definite climax of the novel Payback has without a doubt been the point of no return. What seems to be their only chance of proving Fergus’s good name had vanished. Even worse is the fact that the old man might as well have no leg at all as the ambush closes in to seal their doom.

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