Monday, November 1, 2010

LA response

The year was 1940, a man and a woman were standing by the train station, Bonny and Clyde Edward were their names. They were there with hundreds of other men and women but only the men boarding the train. Clyde wearing his military uniform and leather jacket around it, carrying his luggage, he was about to board the train. "Be careful!" Yelled Mrs Edward with tears in her eyes, "don't worry I will, I promise!" Mr. Edward yelled back as he boarded the train. "ALL ABOARD!!!" Yelled a man working on the train, as he got on the locomotive, the train started spewing smoke from the stack, an extremely high pitched whistle came from the train as it began to move faster and faster. With a poof of smoke it was out of site hundreds of people cheering and saying their last goodbyes especially Mrs Edward who's goodbye lasted the longest.        

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