Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Does Patriotism still matter?
Atop the famous statue of Iwo Jima are some of the millions of faces of people who bravely and courageously fought in the terrible and horrific war of WWII. Those people fought for one country and within that country a flag, a flag that was sewn from liberty, its stripes are red from the blood of those who fought in the war that made this country, the blue is from the beautiful rivers and lakes in our land, and the white stars are of the patriotic hearts that make our country strong. That country is called America, the land of the free and home of the brave. People still wonder if patriotism still matters, some say yes others say no. I feel bad for the ones who say no because you should always love your country and praise the hard working people. Whether in politics to the military to even the police and fire department you always show recognition through patriotism.
Today people still wonder if patriotism still matters, probably because the American Revolution is over and World War One and Two are done and over and we really don’t need to do it anymore. But there are so many more things in this time that still relies on it like the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the courageous men and women fighting for our country in the harsh blazing, humid, sandy deserts of the Middle East. Those people have to struggle for survival because of the lack of moisture. What about those patriotic people of congress, each and every one of them deserves patriotism from citizens like us for their hard work and careful decisions like making fair laws for us, passing important bills that make this country a better place.
Patriotism does still matter; it’s what brought this country together, it’s what helped us through all the past wars, WWI, WWII, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, and The American Revolution. All the past wars and struggles we got through because of patriotism even today we still use it because we still need it.

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