Friday, October 14, 2011

Persuasive Peice (ANWR Drilling)

The United States has been struggling to find a good source for oil. We have searched all over the world but we could not find it, until we looked in Alaska. There is supposedly an enormous amount of oil in a wildlife preserve known as ANWR (Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge). Now there is a huge political argument deciding whether we should drill to find oil or don’t to save a species.
Being a nature lover, I don’t think we should drill in ANWR for one of the biggest reasons, we aren’t even entirely sure if there is a good amount of oil in there. If the United States starts drilling there what happens if there isn’t a good oil source, then the government just spent over a couple hundred million dollars for almost nothing. With the fact that the U.S. would have to spend that much money just to take the chance of a ton of oil being there is not smart. Also of equal concerns, The United States doesn’t even know how long the oil will last us.
Scientists have shown that we have no idea how long this oil will last. It could last for a decade, it could last for a year, or it could it could even last for just a month. We don’t know if it will last long enough to do any good, the government could not end up using it at all because it’s such a small amount. Lastly, if it so happens that we do find a good oil source we are just going to use it up anyway because the U.S. doesn’t conserve oil. Not to mention the huge amount of oil that would be wasted pouring on the ground if we find it, which would cause major damages to the environment.
Preserving the enormous population of wildlife in ANWR is incredibly important. Toxic dark clouds of smoke will pour out of the mills killing and sickening hundreds of birds, mammals, and hundreds of other species, endangered or not. Endangered species such as the polar bear, if we drill more and more polar bears will die or get sick they’re already on the verge of extinction why push it further. Not only will it affect the animals but also the plants, trees, flowers, and grass could die from the fumes or spilled oil.
Drilling in ANWR would be a great injustice not just because I would not like it but because hundreds of animal lives could parish forever. I would refuse to drill in ANWR for the obvious reason, to save our environment.

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