Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

From a beautifully wild land, America was forged by rebellious men and women who wanted a better life. These patriots were people who would fight, give their lives, and even to scream to the heavens to keep this land safe. I am proud of my country.
This country has been through many hardships, from battlefields littered with brave souls to devastating hurricanes, to economic depression, to terrorist attack and has changed tragedy to triumph. Nothing has kept us down. The word for this passion is patriotism.
Patriotism is the heart and soul of every American who loves their country. A true patriot would stop at nothing to keep this land of the free and home of the brave alive. Each patriot, a stone to fortify the walls of America, makes it so strong that no matter how hard a struggle or conflict tried it could never knock us down. This is just one of the reasons why I am proud of my country. For the support of every freedom loving American and even more so the Government that is makes America what it is today.
To construct this great monument to freedom a select few men organize this country around laws that protect our basic freedoms so we can prosper and achieve our dreams. With these laws, we have molded this land into a free but fair country. Three branches were made to ensure justice. The Executive branch, headed by the leader of our country, the President of the United States, the Legislative branch led by congress to create laws to ensure a safe and bright future. Finally, the Judicial branch makes sure the laws are fair for everyone.
With a government this strong, laws this fair, people this passionate and land this beautiful, it is difficult not to be proud of this country.

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