Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Outsiders (Letter from Ponyboy to Darry)

Dear Darry,
I really hate to tell you this I mean I really do, but something happened in the park today something bad. It was between Johnny, me, and the socs. You see, Johnny and I were walking in the Park when the ol’ blue Mustang drove up to us, and when it stopped you will never believe who came out, it was four socs and worst of all one of them was Bob.
We were jumped, Johnny and I tried to run but I was caught by the arm and Bob shoved my face into the fountain as hard as he could. I struggled but it was no use, and just when I started to lose consciousness, he let go. I shot my out of the fountain as fast as I possible and sat down gagging and coughing and right beside me was Johnny holding a bloody switch blade. Before I could catch my breath I looked in front of me and I saw the scariest thing I had ever seen in my life, it was Bob dead as a doornail. Johnny killed Bob (to shorten it). I‘m sorry you have to find out this way Darry but we‘re running away and that’s that.


  1. I really like how you put it in Ponyboys perspective because we have no idea how Johnny saw it.

  2. I like how you used a different persons point of view, but it was also in a letter.

  3. Good job with the introduction, especially since it is a letter. But I think that sentence that says "Johnny killed Bob (to shorten it)." you should have said Johnny had killed Bob with a knife to help save me because those Soc's were drowning me. Just to explain how and why he killed Bob. But good letter it had no grammar mistakes.
