Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dally, the story of a hood

Author’s Note: This is a story telling the actions of one named Dallas Winston discussing his life as a static character.

Hoodlum, tough, arrogant, and blunt. These words are among the few that describe the character from “The Outsiders” known as Dallas Winston or Dally. Dally was the drinking and smoking tough man of the Greasers who never learned a thing in his time.
Dallas Winston is most definitely a static character because all his life he has gotten himself into trouble, started fights, ran gangs and has done bad things. From being jailed at age ten to robbing a convenient store, he has never learned from his mistakes. In the beginning of the book, he hooted and flirted at Cherry Valance and Marcia, he would have never figured out that he was disturbing and annoying the girls unless Johnny had said something. Just like like he said, "I'm never nice. Can I interest you in a Coca-Cola or a 7-Up?" Jail time after jail time, he will always be the same old reckless Dally.
The actions of this violent self-centered hood brought bad things to the Greasers, such as Tim Sheppard thinking Dally slashed his tires because of his bad reputation. Dally’s actions affected not just the Greasers, but everyone around him. For instance towards the end of the book he robbed a convenient store with an unloaded gun scaring the clerk half to death. In addition, it leads to his end when the police gunned him down in a parking lot. Despite his actions and reputation, in the tough, hard shell of the gang member lies a soft lovable center.

Though Dally seems to be a bad person with no respect for the law, you will find that not all actions are bad. When the church caught on fire in chapter six, Ponyboy and Johnny went into the crumbling smoke filled building trying to save the children. When all the children were out Ponyboy had trouble climbing out of the church and Dally pulled him out, and when Johnny had trouble, Dally tried as best he could to pull him out. Although Johnny was severely injured and Ponyboy was burned, Dally still saved them. If Dally had not have been there they both would have been dead. Dally may be a Static character and a lawbreaker; he still had the heart to save Pony and Johnny.
Dallas Winston is undoubtedly a static character. He broke the law and messed with girls to the very end. Nevertheless, that did not mean that he didn’t have a big heart.


  1. I think my essay deserve a 90 because I worked hard on it and it has good vocabulary, good organization, and good character development.

  2. I really like how you said that he is a static character but he had the heart to save them and how you gave details and examples from the story.
