Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Son Adam Cooper

My Son Adam Cooper

Authors Note: “April Morning”, Young 16-year-old Adam cooper struggles to gain love from his father. While later trying to defend his town from the red coats. However, with the love and toughness his father feels for him, how would the book turn out having the water-fetching scene being told from his father Moses Cooper’s point of view?
One way that Moses Cooper’s point of view could influence the reader’s interpretation of the book is that he really loves his son Adam to pieces. Even though he is tough on him all he wants to do is have him have and education so he can go to college. Adam, the original main character in the book describes his father Moses as a bad, pushy, unloving person when actually it is the exact opposite of what he thinks. What Adam does not know is that he really is loved by his father he just does not see it, and the reader should know it.
The reader would feel a lot differently not just for Moses but Adam too.One way that Moses Cooper’s point of view could influence the reader’s interpretation of the book is that he really loves his son Adam to pieces. Even though he is tough on him all he wants to do is have him have and education so he can go to college. Adam, the original main character in the book describes his father Moses as a bad, pushy, unloving person when actually it is the exact opposite of what he thinks. What Adam does not know is that he really is loved by his father he just does not see it, and the reader should know it.
The reader would feel a lot differently not just for Moses but Adam too. If the novel were to be set in Moses’ point of view, he would seem like a good person and he would seem like he would be doing the right thing by being a little hard on Adam. In addition, to the reader Adam would seem like the sort of bad person because his father seems to be doing the right thing. Also, the events that go on in the novel would be the exact opposite of what regularly happen in the water fetching seen we would know what his dad was up to during that.
In conclusion, the novel “April Morning” would have been told much differently had Moses Cooper told it. The events would be different and Adam would have been pictured as the bad person.

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