Friday, February 10, 2012

Quotes of the Giver

Author’s Note: This is a four paragraph essay explaining two quotes and how it explains scenes from the novel The Giver.

The Giver is novel that is very descriptive and uses a very large vocabulary. It is a very sophisticated novel that speaks in a well mannered tone. Not only does it have a nice literature but it is also full of amazing quotes. These phrases will cause you to puzzle and puzzle for their strong ability to describe the scene so well.

"But suddenly Jonas had noticed, following the path of the apple through the air with his eyes, that the piece of fruit had well, this was the part that he couldn't adequately understand the apple had changed." This is a quote takes place when the main character Jonas and his best friend Asher are tossing an apple. As they continued to toss it back and forth, Jonas had noticed something odd about the apple. It had changed its color to red, usually in the community no one notices color but as Jonas grows he realizes that he sees things differently. He starts to notice color and feelings He is not used to.

"He wanted to disappear to fade away, not to exist." This quote is one that I picked out personally because it is very descriptive with feeling. It takes place later in the book when Jonas and his fellow elevens are being called up by the Chief Elder for their occupations. They are called up by numbers and Jonas is nineteen, eighteen is called and it skips over to twenty. The quote is describing how Jonas felt, he was exited to get his job but when he was skipped it made him feel unwanted. He felt as if the Chief Elder didn’t care enough to recognize him.

Quotes from the novel The Giver are incredibly descriptive for the scene of the story. They have a great voice and is also very sophisticated, they could very well use in another essay.

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