Thursday, March 29, 2012

You don't Know what you've Got Until it's Gone

In your life you may have family, places, or objects that make you happy, things that you like and love. You may even have old items that you used to play or do things with and now you don’t anymore. Then one day, you may move away from that place or you may give away that something, and you realize you really liked it and now miss it. But you can't have it anymore…it's gone…In the poems Field Below by Regina Spektor and Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell, they explain that you have to cherish everything you have. Otherwise you won't know what you had until it's gone.

Likewise, the mood of the story to me is never take anything for granted. Like in Field Below the author explains that she used to see a field, she means she had a lovely grassy area but she moved away and never saw its beauty again. The Author's purpose for writing like I said before is to take care of and be happy with everything you have. Like in Big Yellow Taxi, it says "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot they took all the trees Put 'em in a tree museum." By that it is saying that there used to be a forest and it was beautiful but it was torn down to make another building.

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