Monday, December 19, 2011

April Morning Fiction to Reality

Author’s Note: This piece is to tell how the book April Morning, is both real to history and just as much contains fake events.

Though the great novel April Morning contains true events from the time period of the Revolutionary War, the book contains even more events that is not accurate to real history. This novel is very entertaining but is not a book that you would want to look for in a history report.

Two men were but a vital importance to the American victory of the Revolutionary War. They rallied troops and helped in signing the Declaration of Independence. The names of these two men were John Hancock and Samuel Adams. One of the many reasons why this book has similarities to what really happened is for the presence of Samuel and John. Being in town they did an event in the book that they did in real life is visit many cities and towns to ensure they were with the Americans and warned them if any British forces were upon them. British soldiers marching to Concord was also just as real, in fact it started the famous battle of Lexington and Concord. The British sent a huge army on to the city of Concord to eliminate the opposing militia and their supplies, and silence them from insulting the British.

In the book and as in the war, ordinary townsmen and farmers would fight professional British soldiers. Young and old men and boys who may not know anything about war, fighting, or properly loading and firing a flint lock musket. These men fought against sophisticated imperial British soldiers who had been trained to kill any man that they had been ordered to kill or vanquish. Although inexperienced, the brave men and boys in April Morning were willing to fight anyone.

Although there many similarities, the book also had many differences from the Revolutionary War. The American forces were made up of men and boys and young boys at that. The youngest recorded person to fight was seventeen, but Adam, the main character is fifteen and three months. Usually parents of that time would send children of that age home to look after other family members, making the book an abstract version of the war. Another difference is that no town had a law that you could “birch” or hit your child with a stick. Though now thought to be inhumane, back then it would be considered acceptable discipline. However, it wouldn't have been acceptable enough to bring to court and be made a law for there were no laws about how to raise your children.

Lastly, in the field of battle no sane leader would send one hundred untrained farmers against one thousand trained soldiers. As in the book one hundred militia men, including the main character Adam, attempt to protect their town from the one thousand to two thousand man British army. In real battle it would be proven to be suicide to fight and be so heavily out numbered and out gunned as I said before in the second paragraph.

April Morning is a book that was never true, but had events and people based in facts from the Revolutionary War. For instance, Samuel Adams and John Hancock were real people and were mentioned in the book.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Muster Signing

In the novel “April Morning,” Young Adam Cooper is Father’s respect and love, to prove that he is not worthless. Adam tries to have his father at least like him, but can never succeed. He is forced to do things and live his life without his father’s approval and sometimes without hid father knowing. Then in one attempt to show his father that he is worth something, he signs the muster to be a part of the militia and fight the on oncoming British army. This act will turn to be a fight for his life and is undoubtedly the climax to the novel.
The Climax of this story is definitely, where the word comes out that the British are coming and Adam signs up to be a militiaman. He will be training to use a musket to kill a real person. Rather than shooting pigeons which he did with his old musket. He will have more respect from his father now that he said; “Yesterday he was a boy, tonight he’s not.” Just about, everything about the book has changed because of Adam signing the book. Adam signed the book caused by the events of his father neglecting him.
The events that caused Adam to sign and show is father that he is not worthless are that his father birched him, which he was too old for. In addition, that he wanted to go to the committee meeting but was turned down by his father for not being man enough. Even though we was only a few months away from sixteen. He signed the muster partly so he could show his father that he was a man.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Son Adam Cooper

My Son Adam Cooper

Authors Note: “April Morning”, Young 16-year-old Adam cooper struggles to gain love from his father. While later trying to defend his town from the red coats. However, with the love and toughness his father feels for him, how would the book turn out having the water-fetching scene being told from his father Moses Cooper’s point of view?
One way that Moses Cooper’s point of view could influence the reader’s interpretation of the book is that he really loves his son Adam to pieces. Even though he is tough on him all he wants to do is have him have and education so he can go to college. Adam, the original main character in the book describes his father Moses as a bad, pushy, unloving person when actually it is the exact opposite of what he thinks. What Adam does not know is that he really is loved by his father he just does not see it, and the reader should know it.
The reader would feel a lot differently not just for Moses but Adam too.One way that Moses Cooper’s point of view could influence the reader’s interpretation of the book is that he really loves his son Adam to pieces. Even though he is tough on him all he wants to do is have him have and education so he can go to college. Adam, the original main character in the book describes his father Moses as a bad, pushy, unloving person when actually it is the exact opposite of what he thinks. What Adam does not know is that he really is loved by his father he just does not see it, and the reader should know it.
The reader would feel a lot differently not just for Moses but Adam too. If the novel were to be set in Moses’ point of view, he would seem like a good person and he would seem like he would be doing the right thing by being a little hard on Adam. In addition, to the reader Adam would seem like the sort of bad person because his father seems to be doing the right thing. Also, the events that go on in the novel would be the exact opposite of what regularly happen in the water fetching seen we would know what his dad was up to during that.
In conclusion, the novel “April Morning” would have been told much differently had Moses Cooper told it. The events would be different and Adam would have been pictured as the bad person.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dally, the story of a hood

Author’s Note: This is a story telling the actions of one named Dallas Winston discussing his life as a static character.

Hoodlum, tough, arrogant, and blunt. These words are among the few that describe the character from “The Outsiders” known as Dallas Winston or Dally. Dally was the drinking and smoking tough man of the Greasers who never learned a thing in his time.
Dallas Winston is most definitely a static character because all his life he has gotten himself into trouble, started fights, ran gangs and has done bad things. From being jailed at age ten to robbing a convenient store, he has never learned from his mistakes. In the beginning of the book, he hooted and flirted at Cherry Valance and Marcia, he would have never figured out that he was disturbing and annoying the girls unless Johnny had said something. Just like like he said, "I'm never nice. Can I interest you in a Coca-Cola or a 7-Up?" Jail time after jail time, he will always be the same old reckless Dally.
The actions of this violent self-centered hood brought bad things to the Greasers, such as Tim Sheppard thinking Dally slashed his tires because of his bad reputation. Dally’s actions affected not just the Greasers, but everyone around him. For instance towards the end of the book he robbed a convenient store with an unloaded gun scaring the clerk half to death. In addition, it leads to his end when the police gunned him down in a parking lot. Despite his actions and reputation, in the tough, hard shell of the gang member lies a soft lovable center.

Though Dally seems to be a bad person with no respect for the law, you will find that not all actions are bad. When the church caught on fire in chapter six, Ponyboy and Johnny went into the crumbling smoke filled building trying to save the children. When all the children were out Ponyboy had trouble climbing out of the church and Dally pulled him out, and when Johnny had trouble, Dally tried as best he could to pull him out. Although Johnny was severely injured and Ponyboy was burned, Dally still saved them. If Dally had not have been there they both would have been dead. Dally may be a Static character and a lawbreaker; he still had the heart to save Pony and Johnny.
Dallas Winston is undoubtedly a static character. He broke the law and messed with girls to the very end. Nevertheless, that did not mean that he didn’t have a big heart.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Outsiders Themes

Author’s Note: This is a response to talk about the theme of the book “The Outsiders”.
I think that the theme of the book is part tragedy, because the main character, Ponyboy is conflicted with the rest of the world. For example, he is poor, hangs around in a gang, and is an outsider just like everyone else in his gang. No one else in the world would talk to them or try to meet them because they picture them as people outside of everyone else.
This book can also be called tragedy because three people have died in this book. Making it have a more tragic and sad feel to it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Outsiders (Letter from Ponyboy to Darry)

Dear Darry,
I really hate to tell you this I mean I really do, but something happened in the park today something bad. It was between Johnny, me, and the socs. You see, Johnny and I were walking in the Park when the ol’ blue Mustang drove up to us, and when it stopped you will never believe who came out, it was four socs and worst of all one of them was Bob.
We were jumped, Johnny and I tried to run but I was caught by the arm and Bob shoved my face into the fountain as hard as he could. I struggled but it was no use, and just when I started to lose consciousness, he let go. I shot my out of the fountain as fast as I possible and sat down gagging and coughing and right beside me was Johnny holding a bloody switch blade. Before I could catch my breath I looked in front of me and I saw the scariest thing I had ever seen in my life, it was Bob dead as a doornail. Johnny killed Bob (to shorten it). I‘m sorry you have to find out this way Darry but we‘re running away and that’s that.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

From a beautifully wild land, America was forged by rebellious men and women who wanted a better life. These patriots were people who would fight, give their lives, and even to scream to the heavens to keep this land safe. I am proud of my country.
This country has been through many hardships, from battlefields littered with brave souls to devastating hurricanes, to economic depression, to terrorist attack and has changed tragedy to triumph. Nothing has kept us down. The word for this passion is patriotism.
Patriotism is the heart and soul of every American who loves their country. A true patriot would stop at nothing to keep this land of the free and home of the brave alive. Each patriot, a stone to fortify the walls of America, makes it so strong that no matter how hard a struggle or conflict tried it could never knock us down. This is just one of the reasons why I am proud of my country. For the support of every freedom loving American and even more so the Government that is makes America what it is today.
To construct this great monument to freedom a select few men organize this country around laws that protect our basic freedoms so we can prosper and achieve our dreams. With these laws, we have molded this land into a free but fair country. Three branches were made to ensure justice. The Executive branch, headed by the leader of our country, the President of the United States, the Legislative branch led by congress to create laws to ensure a safe and bright future. Finally, the Judicial branch makes sure the laws are fair for everyone.
With a government this strong, laws this fair, people this passionate and land this beautiful, it is difficult not to be proud of this country.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Persuasive Peice (ANWR Drilling)

The United States has been struggling to find a good source for oil. We have searched all over the world but we could not find it, until we looked in Alaska. There is supposedly an enormous amount of oil in a wildlife preserve known as ANWR (Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge). Now there is a huge political argument deciding whether we should drill to find oil or don’t to save a species.
Being a nature lover, I don’t think we should drill in ANWR for one of the biggest reasons, we aren’t even entirely sure if there is a good amount of oil in there. If the United States starts drilling there what happens if there isn’t a good oil source, then the government just spent over a couple hundred million dollars for almost nothing. With the fact that the U.S. would have to spend that much money just to take the chance of a ton of oil being there is not smart. Also of equal concerns, The United States doesn’t even know how long the oil will last us.
Scientists have shown that we have no idea how long this oil will last. It could last for a decade, it could last for a year, or it could it could even last for just a month. We don’t know if it will last long enough to do any good, the government could not end up using it at all because it’s such a small amount. Lastly, if it so happens that we do find a good oil source we are just going to use it up anyway because the U.S. doesn’t conserve oil. Not to mention the huge amount of oil that would be wasted pouring on the ground if we find it, which would cause major damages to the environment.
Preserving the enormous population of wildlife in ANWR is incredibly important. Toxic dark clouds of smoke will pour out of the mills killing and sickening hundreds of birds, mammals, and hundreds of other species, endangered or not. Endangered species such as the polar bear, if we drill more and more polar bears will die or get sick they’re already on the verge of extinction why push it further. Not only will it affect the animals but also the plants, trees, flowers, and grass could die from the fumes or spilled oil.
Drilling in ANWR would be a great injustice not just because I would not like it but because hundreds of animal lives could parish forever. I would refuse to drill in ANWR for the obvious reason, to save our environment.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Kipling's Choice (Final)

Author’s Note: This is a summary of the book “Kipling’s Choice”.

As a teen, the great Rudyard Kipling, the famous writer of the award winning “Jungle Book” loved his country to the end. However, in an attempt to join the navy he was turned down because of his poor sight. Devastated, he encourages his son John Kipling to join the military to fight in WWI, and because young John wants to do everything he can to impress his father, he accepts.
John Kipling, living in England during the early nineteen hundreds loved his father to pieces. He loved him so much he would do anything he could just to please the man, but because his father had very bad eyesight, John too has poor eyesight. Fortunately for Rudyard, John does not have as poor sight as he does and thus in an attempt to avoid history repeating itself, Rudyard Kipling encourages and almost begs his son to join the military when WWI broke loose. When the Kipling’s came to the barracks to enlist, the young Kipling would be made a second lieutenant a high ranking officer in the military. The lieutenant Colonel of the regiment had been friends with Rudyard for years. Within one year, the young eighteen year old lieutenant John Kipling would be shipped out to France and be in the fight that would change his life forever.
After a few years the young officer with great confidence has endured the worst sight imaginable, the art of war. The poor boy had seen friends being blown to bits by mortar fire, a battlefield littered with bodies, bloodstains covering the dirt, grown men screaming for help, and staring into the face of death. Truly, the boy had the littlest idea of what was to become. Within months, Rudyard Kipling would get the letter that would change his life forever, the letter of MIA meaning (missing in action) his only son had gone missing. The remaining Kipling family was devastated never before had they been so sad. This affected Rudyard the most, for he was the one to send him into battle. They searched days on end to find just the least bit of information on their son but none came. Then one day in honor of his son, Rudyard Kipling wrote down his final writing piece for as long as he lived.
---- If any question why we died tell them because our fathers lied.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kipling's Choice (edited)

Kipling’s Choice
Author’s Note: This is a summary of the book “Kipling’s Choice”.

As a teen, the great Rudyard Kipling, the famous writer of the award winning “Jungle Book” loved his country to the end. However, in an attempt to join the navy he was turned down because of his poor sight. Devastated, he encourages his son John Kipling to join the military to fight in WWI, and because young John wants to do everything he can to impress his father, he accepts.
John Kipling, living in England during the early nineteen hundreds, loved his father to pieces. He loved him so much he would do anything he could just to please the man, but because his father had very bad eyesight, John too has poor eyesight. Fortunately for Rudyard, John does not have as poor sight as him and thus in an attempt to avoid history repeating itself, Rudyard Kipling encourages and almost begs his son to join the military when WWI broke loose. When the Kipling’s came to the barracks to enlist, the young Kipling would be made a second lieutenant a high ranking officer in the military. For Tthe lieutenant Colonel of the regiment had been friends with Rudyard for years. Within one year the young eighteen year old lieutenant John Kipling would be shipped out to France and be in the fight that would change his life forever.

Monday, June 6, 2011


The Award that Wasn’t to Be
My family was driving through the night to get to the next field for picking. The night being as dark and black as death, everyone packed in one little car. Papa was taking little peeks at the paper while driving, in a deep slow voice he tells me “TV folks are coming to review us while we work, hijo.” Barely awake I replied back in a quiet voice,
“But why papa, what is so special about picking strawberries?” “For one thing it’s what’s kept this family alive but I don’t know if its television worthy,” he said. “You’d better get some sleep; you’ll need it for tomorrow.”
As soon as he finished his sentence I was fast asleep. I awoke to the sound of the horrible screech of the tires as the car came to a stop; with my ears ringing I looked out the window to see we were at an enormous farm with fields farther than I could see. I turned my head to look out the other window and saw trucks and vans all with huge antennas on top. There were people with cameras everywhere and Papa was talking with what looked a whole crowd of people with microphones and cameras. When Papa left he came up to the side door and when he opened it we could all hear him say in a loud voice “Alright time to pick!”
When we got out to the fields there were what seemed to be millions of people all picking strawberries at the same time “there’s twice as many people as their usually is why is that?” I asked, “I don’t know “hijo” maybe lots of people want to be on television.”
When we started to pick one of the men holding a microphone had been watching us particularly me, I wasn’t sure why but I worked as hard as I could. “Stop”! Yelled the man with the microphone. Everyone had stopped so fast it was as if someone fired a gun in the air. He walked slowly towards my family and me; he looked down upon me and said with a deep southern voice “Son, you’ve got it; you just won an award, pack your things and bring your family we’re going to Hollywood.”
My family was so excited when they heard the news and so was I, I couldn’t believe that I had won an award it was the happiest day in my life. In four hours we were in a studio in Hollywood there were cameras all over the studio, there was a large audience, and lights everywhere I was so excited until I heard what the award was. I heard someone with a camera say “He’s earned the least likely to succeed award.”
I was crushed, the award that I was looking forward to receive was nothing special at all I had felt as though someone had picked me up from the ashes then ripped my heart out like I was nothing. As soon as I heard this I threw myself in my Papa’s arms and cried, “What’s the matter son?” He said, “The awards a fraud Papa It’s the Least likely to Succeed Award.”
My dad paused for a moment then said in response “Son, we can’t choose to be who we are, but know this: who we are is all we are. Now go get that award and take pride in doing so.” When my dad finished I was no longer crying because I knew that I would get on that stage, receive my award and my Papa’s words would inspire me forever.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

a Famous Quote

A Famous Quote

“Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity: A famous quote from the bold and courageous man, Martin Luther King Jr; A phrase that will make you think twice about hate.
When a person gets on your nerves you can get mad at people and think nasty thoughts about them, but if they push you to your limits it can turn ugly very quickly. To hate someone is very bad because you could let your hate out at them and do something you never thought you would ever do: Something that would change your reputation forever, not only would it affect you but it would affect the other person even more. When you take out all your rage on someone you lose control and you could yell at them, injure them, or even worse, kill them. Before you know it no one knows who you are anymore.
While letting out all your anger is bad bottling up inside is even worse. In the same scenario but you don’t decide to let all your anger out you could keep it inside you and let it fester and fester. Unfortunately, if you do that the hate eats away at your insides changing you, making you angrier. Before you know it your personality has transformed into a stingy, dark, grey, angry version of yourself. To make things worse your friends stop hanging out with you because they don’t like what you’ve become.
Likewise, there is something just as bad as bottling your anger but not only do you keep it inside but also let it out at the person you’re mad at little by little yet the hate never leaves. It’s called holding a grudge. Holding a grudge is terrible because the hate that you feel for someone is what you hold on to forever. It is bad because people spend their entire live planning revenge and never letting themselves do anything else because you’re blinded by the nasty rage.
If you ever get angry at someone don’t hate them, try to channel your rage to something peaceful like hitting a pillow. The quote by Martin Luther King Jr. tells you to never give in to hatred because it can turn your personality around.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Deep Water"

Everyone has a fear of something, whether it’s a fear of things big such as the world ending or something small as fear of ducks. A phobia is what it’s called a fear of something, almost anything. It never goes away easily; you have to work hard at it to make your fear go, but it is never easy. Some people decide to live with their fear and avoid it, people think it’ll go away sometime, but it doesn’t, it stays and eats them up inside then haunts them the rest of their lives, I should know I have a phobia. “Deep Water,” a short story by William O Douglas, is a story that will teach you to take hold of your fears and not let it rule your life.
Out of all the fears in the world, phobia of water is the number fifteen out of all of them. Number fifteen out of the thousands there are, that’s a very common fear. According to, around the world about one hundred forty thousand people drown every year. Even when my Nana was a little girl she almost drowned three times. Whether if it’s from a stupid stunt, a shark attack, a killing, or even by a bully drowning is bound.
Not everyone who meets the water drowns, though sometimes people have a near death experience or when they “see the light.” From what I’ve seen on shows from history channels, whenever someone has a near death experience they feel calm. and at peace, but sometimes not everyone has that luxury. Some people know that even the slightest thing could condemn them to death. It could terrify them so much that it could cause them to never come back to whatever caused the experience ever, and thus a fear is born then continue to haunt them the rest of their lives.
Living in fear doesn’t always have to be the case though; you can take hold of your fear and put yourself in charge. Then conquer your fear so that it never bothers you again. With fear there are two paths you can take, you can take the path that stays a coward and tries to run from it, or you can be strong and conquer your fear. Which path will you take?